Our Philosophy

Our promise to you

We follow a set of principles for everything we do.


We only use products that we take ourselves. We implement the current state of science as best we can within the regulatory boundaries. If the scientific data or regulations change, our protocols change.


We are completely transparent. If you have questions about our protocols, manufacturers, or partners, feel free to contact us.


We want to relieve you of as much work as possible so you can focus on other activities such as exercise. We develop services that we would have liked for ourselves!

Following the latest science

When designing our protocols, we always follow the latest science to the best of our knowledge. Findings from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have the highest level of evidence and the most significant impact on our decisions. Results from cohort studies, followed by expert opinions and case studies, are interpreted with more caution. Further, regulatory constraints limit the choice of products. As data and regulatory requirements constantly change, we regularly adapt our protocols to the current state of knowledge.

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Our manufacturers and partners

We source our products from established suppliers who transparently document their supply chains and production processes. The manufacturers of our supplements are in the USA, UK, and Germany.

All laboratory tests are performed in Switzerland and the epigenetic tests in the USA. To protect your privacy when ordering a test, Beyond Age will anonymously register an account on your behalf. Beyond Age will not disclose your personal information to the test providers, such as name, email, and address.

Challenges when vetting supplements

Although longevity medicine and associated fields are currently experiencing an enormous boom, there is still a lack of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) - also regarding supplements. RCTs on humans are very complex, expensive, and take a long time. Many interesting compounds occur naturally in foods and plants and cannot be patented in their original form - which often makes research uninteresting for the industry. Further, public funds flow into this research area only sparingly, as they favor research into therapies for already established diseases. So more public money flows into the research of “disease management” instead of “health care”.

Because of the lack of RCTs, many recommendations in the longevity field are still based on expert opinions of researchers or physicians whose work has found entry into popular science and culture. Some of the better-known, sometimes colorful protagonists are David Sinclair, Nir Barzilai, Aubrey de Grey, Matt Kaeberlein, Peter Attia, Mark Hyman, and Andrew Huberman. Since their opinions are sometimes clearly different and incoherent, as well as subject to various conflicts of interest, they should always be critically scrutinized.

And finally, regulatory challenges represent a considerable hurdle. For many interesting compounds, it remains unclear even to the regulator how they should best be classified, even though they often occur naturally in food. Questions arise, such as: Should the compound be treated as regular food? Should it be classified as a so-called “novel food”? Or is the compound a remedy due to its pharmacological effects and thus has to be classified as a drug? These and other questions are in constant flux and are interpreted and answered differently depending on the country and authority. As a result, some promising substances do not find access in all countries, and we cannot include all the compounds whose potential we believe in, in our protocols.

Quantity is important

If your main exposure to supplements so far has been the occasional multi-vitamin, you might ask yourself, why do I have to take so many pills? Somewhat simplified, the recommended intake for many supplements is around one gram per day. In contrast, in many pharmaceutical drugs, the intake amounts are often in the milligram range. Since one gram of a supplement compound already takes up a lot of space, various compounds can not simply be combined into one “super pill” – it would simply be too large. Offers that promise such “one-pill solutions” should therefore be regarded with caution as they often come at the expense of the active ingredient’s concentration. However, we are constantly working on simplifying the intake of our supplements without having to compromise the quantity and quality of the active ingredients.

Supplements are just the beginning

We consider taking potentially health- and lifespan-extending exogenous molecules as very important. However, taking them is only a complementary measure. The four most important pillars for a long and healthy life are physical activity, sleep, a balanced diet, and a fulfilling social life.

Physical activity

Of all the measures you can take, regular physical activity correlates most impressively with a reduction in all-cause mortality. Physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (e.g., heart attack, stroke), neurodegenerative disease (e.g., Alzheimer's disease), metabolic disease (e.g., diabetes), and indirectly, probably via its metabolic effect, certain cancers. With no single measure - not even with the best drug ever - can you achieve as much for your health as with regular physical activity!


A balanced, predominantly plant-based diet has a decisive positive influence on the occurrence of metabolic disorders (e.g., obesity, diabetes) and cardiovascular diseases (high blood pressure, heart attack), as well as indirectly on the occurrence of dementia and certain cancers. Further, fasting has a major impact on metabolism, could delay aging, and extend longevity. However, please note that despite the long list of possible health benefits associated with fasting, it may not be right for everyone.


Sleep plays a critical role in health- and lifespan. Numerous studies have found that insufficient sleep increases a person's risk of developing severe medical conditions, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. Furthermore, the lack of adequate sleep over time has been associated with a shortened lifespan.

Social life

Research has shown strong causal links between social relationships and health and life expectancy. Healthy social ties and a meaningful life purpose correlate directly with health- and lifespan. Or, to put it in other words, the effect of even the healthiest of lifestyles will be blunted if you don’t have a fulfilling social life.